The ATA Collective Agreement Local 38: What You Need to Know
If you are a member of the Alberta Teachers` Association (ATA) and work for a school district in the Calgary area, then the ATA Collective Agreement Local 38 is something you should definitely have knowledge of. In this article, we will provide a brief overview of what the collective agreement is, what it covers, and where you can find more information.
What is the ATA Collective Agreement Local 38?
The ATA Collective Agreement Local 38 is a legally binding contract between the Calgary Board of Education and the ATA Local 38, which represents over 5,000 teachers in the Calgary area. The agreement outlines the terms and conditions of employment for these teachers, including salaries, benefits, and working conditions. The agreement is negotiated every few years, and typically covers a period of three years.
What does the agreement cover?
The ATA Collective Agreement Local 38 covers a wide range of topics related to employment, including salaries, benefits, working conditions, and professional development opportunities. Some of the key provisions of the agreement include:
– Salary: The agreement outlines the salary grid for teachers and provides information on how salary increases are determined.
– Benefits: The agreement covers a range of benefits, including health and dental coverage, life insurance, and long-term disability insurance.
– Working conditions: The agreement outlines the working conditions for teachers, including workload expectations, class sizes, and non-instructional time.
– Professional development: The agreement provides for professional development opportunities for teachers, including funding for courses and workshops.
Where can I find more information?
If you are a member of the ATA and work for the Calgary Board of Education, you can access the full text of the ATA Collective Agreement Local 38 on the ATA website. The website also provides updates on the negotiation process for the next agreement, as well as information on upcoming events and professional development opportunities.
In conclusion, understanding the ATA Collective Agreement Local 38 is essential for any teacher working in the Calgary area. If you have any questions or concerns about the agreement, be sure to reach out to your union representative or consult the ATA website for more information.